Thursday, December 28, 2017

LEARNING FROM THE MAGI - As you worship Jesus this holiday season, He wants to instruct you, change your life, and give you the breakthrough you need! Give the Lord thanks for all He has done in your life. Like the magi, make sure you are pursuing Him with your whole heart, allowing nothing to divert or distract you. As God has blessed you, He also wants to make you a blessing in the lives of others.

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Image result for images magi bethlehem
Learning From The Magi

5 Things We Can Learn from the Magi
by Inspiration Ministries
We don’t know the exact time frame of the journey made by “wise men from the East” in search of young King Jesus (Matthew 2:1-12).
It may have been several months or even a few years after Jesus’ birth when they arrived at Herod’s palace and asked, Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? (verse 1)
But while some of the details of their journey may be unclear, there’s much we can learn from the wonderful example set by the magi:
1. They made it a priority to pursue the Lord (verse 1). These men came from a great distance to encounter the Savior.
Image result for images magi bethlehemThey weren’t just casual Believers, but were committed to having a personal encounter with the newborn King.
In the same way, shouldn’t we make it a priority to pursue the Lord and spend time in His presence?
2. They came to worship Him (verse 2).
Right from the beginning, the magi made the purpose of their journey clear: We have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.
Image result for images magi bethlehemMay that be our focus as well during this Christmas season.
Instead of being distracted by all the trappings of the holidays, let’s take time to worship Jesus!
3. Nothing could divert them from their mission (verses 3-8).
When God gives us a dream to pursue, we often have to deal with a “King Herod” who tries to distract us along the way!
The magi proved to be wise men,” able to discern that King Herod had no intention of furthering their mission.
Image result for images magi bethlehem4. They not only worshiped Jesus with their words and their time, but they also worshiped Him with a generous offering. 
“When they had opened their treasures, they presented to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh” (verse 11).
If we have a genuine encounter with our Savior, the King of Kings, how can we not honor Him with our possessions?
True worship demands nothing less.
5. They returned home “another way” (verse 12).
Genuine worship will transform us and cause us to walk on a different path than we started on.
If necessary, we’ll even be given supernatural direction or divinely warned in a dream.”
Image result for images magi bethlehemAs you worship Jesus this holiday season, He wants to instruct you, change your life, and give you the breakthrough you need!
Take a few moments right now to give the Lord thanks for all He has done in your life.
Like the magi, make sure you are pursuing Him with your whole heart, allowing nothing to divert or distract you.
As God has blessed you, He also wants to make you a blessing in the lives of others (Genesis 12:2).
Following the example of the magi, respond to the Savior’s birth by Sowing a Seed of your time and treasure to worship Him and help fill the earth with the knowledge of His glory (Habakkuk 2:14).
You can be confident that when you follow the stunning example of the magi…

Your reward in Heaven will be great,
Inspiration Partners!


Image result for images magi bethlehem Image result for images magi bethlehem

Image result for images magi bethlehemImage result for images magi bethlehem

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