Saturday, December 30, 2017

WEIRD & WONDERFUL WATER FACTS - We need water for drinking as we need to maintain the balance of our bodily fluids in order to stay hydrated and healthy. The most important fact about water though is that humans cannot last for more than 3 days without it, so drink water regularly to remain healthy.


Some Weird & 


Water Facts 

Water covers around 70% of the earth’s surface and makes up around the same amount of a human’s body weight.
We need it for drinking as we need to maintain the balance of our bodily fluids in order to stay hydrated and healthy.
Water is also used for personal hygiene, food preparation, manufacturing, watering the garden, agriculture, energy and various other uses, but water is also very interesting for a number of other reasons.
Here are a few interesting and pertinent water facts:
·    90% of an iceberg is underwater
·    A Dolphin can hear sounds underwater from 24km away
·    A hippopotamus is born under water
·    A Pacific tsunami wave is typically 6 – 9 metres high
·    Armadillos can walk underwater
·    Aspirin was the first drug that was sold as a water soluble tablet in 1900
·    Bottle nosed whales can dive to a depth of 915 metres in a mere 2 minutes
·    Camels can drink 94 litres of water in under 3 minutes
·    Elephant’s trunks can hold over 5 litres of water
·    Gorillas can’t swim
·    Hot water freezes quicker than cold water does
·    Human blood is 6 times thicker than water
·    Niagara Falls could fill 4,000 bathtubs every second
·    Porcupines can float in water
·    Rainwater contains vitamin B12, and raindrops are not tear-shaped as is generally depicted but resemble a tiny hamburger bun
·    Rats and giraffes can last longer without water than camels can
·    Rice is grown in flooded paddies so that the weeds surrounding the young seedlings are drowned, but it can grow just as well in well-drained areas
·    Sheep will not drink from running water
·    Snakes can’t bite in rivers or swamps because they would drown if they did
·    Sound travels 5 times faster underwater than in the air
·    Sponges will hold more cold water than hot water
·    The average human drinks over 60,566 litres of water in a lifetime
·    The WD in WD-40 stands for Water Displacer
·    Water expands by 9% when it freezes
·    Water is formed when hydrogen burns in the air
The most important fact about water though is that humans cannot last for more than 3 days without it, so drink water regularly to remain healthy.

Get office water coolers and home water coolers from Living-Water.

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Multi-Media Filter, Highly-Activated Carbon Filter,
Zeolite-Process Water Softener With Brine Tank,
Fiberglass Ballast-Type Pressure Tank
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Aganan, Pavia, Iloilo, Philippines

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